Sunday, October 11, 2009

HE IS...

africanshowboyz-706750I was in search of HE. I have found the HE that completes me. Although many may say "not so much".

He is all that I am in desire of. I am just conflicted and torn by his direction in life; not his LIFE (living in full enjoyment).

I called him my earth; for he is the foundation on which I stand firm. I called him my strength; because in my weakest hour he has moved mountains, even when I was in the way. I called him my lover;because he made my heart sing in ways most have imagined as many have desired. I called him king; because he is leader of nations and ruler of many, emotionally and intellectually. I called him lord; because he is head and guide in his firm actions and humble persuasiveness. I called him god; because he walks daily in his higher SELF. I called him friend; because he opened his home of heart, to give me free reign and room to grow. I called him mine with pride; because he stood by my side even in my confusion and inner conflict.

He has a drive that is set to one directions: multiple-wifery. I have driven down this road of his and walked a many a miles on his route. Am I the best he has IDK or IDC. All I know is, this road, although may have it's perks for many and shunned by quite the few; for me has been a travel of growth and a challenging experience. I have tried to stay the course. I am not the quitter I have opted in to being. Yet my feet are tired; as am I.

I want to walk alone hand in hand with him. I want to be his heart and soul; as he is mine. I want to be his sunshine; as he is mine. I want to be his all in all inside of happiness; as he is mine. I want to be his source of joy in his day; as he is mine. I want to light up his world with a smile; as he does mine. I want my kisses to be his jump-start to each day; as his are mine. I want to bring warmth to his heart and soul with just my presence; as he does mine.

He is my anchor, rock, strength, joy, galaxy, love, heart, peace, and happiness and without him I am incomplete. He is the man that completes me; although together without the oneness of the creator, we are not complete. He may beg to differ; IDK.

It has been in my longing to be his all and all; that goes against all and all he represents or desires. I realize all that I am lacking, he fills. He is the yin to my yang; the light to my darkness; the warmth on a cold winter's night; my water to quench my thirst.

YES HE IS!!! ALL THAT! How do I seperate the two and yet live. I can do neither alone. Were are the 2 that = 1.

It saddens me that he cannot see that he is that He that completes the She in me.

1 comment:

  1. Sis, you are the source of light which is all good, great, wonderful, kind and loving. May you always walk in the authority of your known position which is that of the office of Amen's wife. I hope that the HE that completes SHE will hear, listen and understand your cries of the soul. May HE heal your wounded heart so that it shall never be broken again.
