Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Positive Attraction Factor

All that I am is the fullness of what I have created. If there is room for complaint than it is I whom I shall look to complain about. Why then do I look outward for that to be found inside?

I am in full awareness of the attraction in which I have called upon myself.

I find myself in a bed with a wounded back; feeling as though I am out of alignment. I am. In the spiritual and the natural. You see here of late I have not been aware of my surrounding; front or rear. I was in a rear end collision. My past has come to kick me in the back... spiritually of course.

I have experienced thoughts that were not in alignment of my desire. In my fear I have wished for things to collide or be forced forward or into a situation of pain and injury... mentally or spiritually.

You see many speak of an escrow account in the spiritual terrain. That escrow is filled with all our desires; good, bad and ugly or beautiful. The few talk of the bad or ugly if anyone does. Fact is for every thought there is life. Not some thoughts but every thought comes to life. That is why the prophets of old said be careful of what you wish for... it may come true... looking into the word "may" implying permittion to move or happen.

I am in rememberance of all the ill wishes placed upon the escrow table from the passing thoughts of my mind. Thought short and quick in comparrison of the thoughts of desire I have placed upon the same table. These thought have manifested leaving me in a state of confusion, hurt and wonderment. I wonder why it is so easy for negativity to manifest and positivity has to work to produce.

I look at positive and negative polarity... Positive polarity is dark characters on a light background; negative polarity is light characters on a dark background.

My GOODNESS I think we have had this all backwards and that is why the manifestation of positivity rules!

We really want to think negative. Truth be told we are thinking positive much more than we are thinking negative. That is why we manifest this thing we speak of as negativty as we call unto us positivity... darkness into our light.

I find myself in an epiphany... for those who do not know. I am a reciever... From Anu and Amen Gods of Afar. The have given me writings. In those writing I was told "Negative is Positive". I did not know what that ment and for a year I search the internet to ge the meaning. Tonight I am at AHHA!

How then shall I program myself to think negative and speak such. I most surely have to reprogram as Anu said "Change your speach".

I shall ponder further on this and get back to you... Negatively speaking.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nothingness That Surrounds Us All

The nothingness that surrounds us all is so vast that it is suffocating, yet so empty it leaves me thirsty as is the ALL.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Walking In the Perfection of Today

I choose to use walking as a way to meditate and find peace within the fullness of who I am.
I enjoy the alone time that I may refresh the connection with the fullness of the I AM of the universe.

The I AM is the ALL that surrounds us all. Within it lies destiny. Within destiny lies creation. Within creation lies wisdom. Within wisdom lies knowledge. Through knowledge we are allowed experience. In experience we are afforded the use of the agreements set in place by the rulers of the ages; those that operate outside of time. Time being the source that binds man within the walls of life in the physical aspect. Without time we would not call unto ourselves purpose. Without purpose we would encourage diverseness; yet without diversity we would not activate self or ego. Without ego we would not set forth challenge. Without challenge we would not activate growth. Without growth we would not begin to experience. Without experience this life would be null. In knowing that; I have to fill up on the fullness of experiencing him (the supreme being) as I am reminded of the agreement of ALL.

Many of us do not know of or we choose to ignore the agreements set forth before our arrival; yet they are set. I choose to set my mind upon the agreements as well as take the time to appreciate the manifestations of such agreements.

As I walk; I acknowledge that I am thank-full of the order that lies therein this universe. I am thank-full of the love that exists which allows me to take part in experiencing this life. I am full of thanksgiving, as I lift my heart up to that from which I came and that which has chosen me to communicate the secrets of the universe. I am appreciative that Anu and Amen has spoken through me in my writings. I am grateful of the energy that Amen has moved through me.

It is in this mode of appreciation I find my solace. I realized on yesterday I was thought to be only afforded a life consisting of 29 years... I am 44 so this is more than a blessing it is working on a double portion. As for me... each and every day is a perfect gift.

Today I celebrate that perfect gift called today. It is my will that I may enjoy it to its fullest.