Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What can we expect to change???

It is clear that cattle cannot be considered people. Why then would Africans Born in America, begin to think they are humanized in the minds of Whites who once owned them as such cattle?

It concerns me that we live in a facade; that this country which was built upon the backs, bones, heads, dead bodies, raped mothers, mutilated fathers, pride stripped brothers, and divided sisters would even think to amount to equality to those who have belittled them.

What is the solution?


When I was a child and another child hit me; I was taught to hit back.

Now as an adult... I am teaching my children to turn the other cheek? What is this Christos or message? Turning the other cheek that the Christ spoke of was turning to the face the opponent and looking him in the eye and giving him the opportunity to approach someone that is on guard; which is rarely done. Many afflict pain, trod down upon the helpless, hopeless, and harmless and stand with a pride filled arrogance of a soldier. I beg to differ. How much power does it take to elevate themselves over the weak, lame, useless, the nothingness of those you claim to be the lesser? A minuscule glimmer of pride is all it takes for a person to consider in their reality that they stand as the greater one.
Truth is there is no evidence of superiority dwelling within the genetic makeup of whites over other races. Take a look into the sports arenas; where African Americans are dominant, prominent and great.

Where and when will the Africans born in America begin to realize this and walk in the true authority that descended upon them from above? When will they re-member themselves with the ancestral kingdom in which they were robbed of; as it was with Moses. When will someone rise up and say “LET MY PEOPLE GO”. When will they rise and be the queens they are and separate themselves with the mind washing of their previous owners?
When will White America stop ruling with an iron clad barbaric hand of fear? When will they stop dominating out of a warped sense of “I am better” “I am lord over all the earth”; mentality.
Why are the rest of the world held subject to a murderous, brutal den of thieveries and individuals?

How do we get on GAURD as Africans born in America? How do we truly defend ourselves?

What truly would it look like if ALL AFRICANS BORN IN AMERICA stood up and walked off OUR post, jobs, and shut down our companies and filled the highways and byways blocking traffic: like the Hispanics did? What impact would happen to this economy for real if we did not shop a whole week? What changes would they see and how would they come to respect the proverbial cattle they consider us as?

Would they pay us our MULES and give us our LAND we have a right to: reciprocity or reparations?
Wow. Comes to mind as the thought is overtaken from within.
Ooops back to reality…
Peace is not working.
Burning business is not a solution.
Passive aggression is not working.
I remember the KKK had a way… should we try that???
Get some black sheets and lynch a few cops? Hhhmmmm.
OH but that too is mimicry at this point? Not so much?.
Sound right reasoning says…
Extreme measures need to taken upon during these extreme crises.