Friday, November 25, 2011

Jerry Hicks and Implimentation of the LAW of ATTRACTION or Lack there of!

Did Jerry fail the law of attraction or Abraham's teachings?

Some here seem to think so... Kyra Speaks

My Thoughts and EXPERIENCE! One of MANY!

One must keep in mind that Jerry and Ester were the catalyst that brought forth Abraham...

This in no ways imply that hey themselves have power. They may have believed Abraham and in the process of teaching they themselves were learning. We tend to ask questions and spread the word of the one who has the answers... (Jesus and Christianity.) We can be in the midst and not have the power to transmit that which the teacher does.. no matter how long we have studied.
Vibration and energy is real and we do in fact have the power to control that which our BODY receives from the belief system of the subconscious.

19 Years ago, I have had a girl put acid on my face... People are amazed when they see me, even doctors. I called 911 they called poison control. Everything they suggested... Nothing worked. I was screaming. my face was burning, I told them I have to go. I know who can help me. I screamed out and cried. I screamed only GOD can help me and I called on the name of "Jehovah" 3 times. I said"You said call on me and you shall be healed."

I felt a cold hand on my face... like ice. my face returning to its natural state. My children were crying. I thought my face was ruined. My daughter said "Mommy your face is fixed" I looked in the mirror and It was better than before.

I am not saying this will work for you but I have always believed in the power of God and the bible... Jesus said we would be able to heal to and I believed that truth and tested it and a crisis moment.

Some choose to let go and live through what is and others chose to challenge it all and rise higher in vibration and knowing.

Jerry did his good and perfect work here on earth to get Abraham's word out! I am appreciative for his part in my knowing.

Scibe Ani

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