Tuesday, March 3, 2009

FREE through LOVE!

I must stop evaluating love and continue to experience, receive, enjoy and express that LOVE!

For truly if I add, subtract or measure, I shall remove the purity of ALL.!


How many time have I found myself evaluating how I am showed love or even worse how I show love? Far too many.

I found myself empty handed of the manual of this feeling, emotional roller-coaster, expression, dynamic and unobtainable thing called LOVE. I am continually amazed at the fact that although we know not what it truly looks like, feels like, or are aware of it's presence; mankind aspires to possess love.

You see at 43 someone may think I should know the proper actions or exibits of this nature's phenomena. I have mastered a many of things yet this one eludes me. I continually find myself empty handed and yet full of the complexity of heart thrusting moments it produces. These moments; some have been breathtaking in auspiciousness as well as heart wrenching in wonderment of not delivering the fullness of thought. I am joyed, humbled, outraged, cowered, and euphoric all in this same conjectuer.

I live in the love for another. I breath the love of another, yet I struggle with the power of that love over powering my ability to conjour up proper judgement. I battle with that emotional state that love soem how produces whims of jealousy, fear, passion, hunger and emptiness along side the fullness of joy, elatement, and happiness that is immeasurable.

I battle with the immature child that seems to creap up at the most inoppertune time and embarasses me as well as causes a set back (one would say) and encourages detatchment via aludement or desertion. Is it emabrassment? No. It is fear or betraying self. It is fear of inadiquacies. It is fear of uncontrollable thirst. It is fear of hunger over powering rational. It is cowardly to now allow the LOVE in all it's aspect to FLOW!

I must be FREE: Free to experience, Free to recieve, Free enjoy, but mostly free to express that love. It can not be given to me!

For it is I that is in control... BY MY ALLOWING THE LOVE TO BE... I AM FREE!


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