Monday, July 6, 2009

An Unconventional Home I,ve Built

For me, home that has been defined by standards set of the masses, has eluded me or I it. As I seek for the joys of unity of the whole, I and I alone has found myself without. Who is there to place blame upon; but Self or myself? No one.

For it is I. Am I not the creator of my domicile? Yes! I alone have created this unconventional thing called my HOME= House of Meager existence.

Many come through and appreciate the fullness there of and express the desires to be apart; by calling me the most highest badge of honor: Mama. Although this title has been taken for granted; those of us who know and realize the greatness of a stranger's call understand the fullness it brings.

My door has been revolving to the hungry, the sadden, the lost, strayed and/or betrayed. I have held my hand out the lift up, coast along, or to shield pain of those persons who have for whatever the reason chosen me as that one, who makes a difference in their lives. Oh how many have entered and exited these walls taking their morsel and leaving a trace of love. No one can tell you how comforting and self fulfilling this has become.

This home in which I have cultivated and manifested, is a place of solace, comfort and care; although those looking in from the outside many have called it chaotic. Many would deem it disorderly and not enough discipline. One may even find that those on the inside differ in their opinions of the status. I contend, in this home there lies hope, love and desire; even a longing for greater, better, truth, caring, trials, triumphs, victories and knowing that we are ever forgiving, ever changing and ever evovleing into greatness we were destined to be.

I also contend this is a grand house and it's walls are unalterable for it was built on a foundation of hope. This home I built with not an example, no assistance, lack of direction has stood the test of time.

I celebrate today this house and the magic it has harnessed over time to sustain the elements of each day. I celebrate the renewing called today and I honor the allowance of opportunity called tomorrow.

I ask who shall judge this home? Lest they have studied it's walls and found it's secrets of resiliency within; shall they stand in confrontation or expectation therein.

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